10:50:00 PM

Eyewitness To Florida Meteor Fireball 08NOV2011

Email From:
Un named Reporter-Port St. Lucie, FL:
While walking my dog I noticed a Fireball shooting directly down towards earth.  With the news of the YU55 I have been more focused on the sky than normal tonight.  I live in Port Saint Lucie Florida ( South East Florida).  The Fireball I witnessed occurred at 9:00 PM EST.  I am an avid outdoorsman and have seen plenty of shooting stars which do not look like what I saw tonight.  I began searching the web to see if anyone else had similar experiences and found this site.  Hope someone can answer what I may have seen.

If you witnessed this fireball, please tell us about it (date, time, location etc.) !! Email wxtx01@gmail.com  Thank You!

1 comment:

Matt Montana said...

Fireball spotted at 8:15 PM EST, Columbus Ohio. It was moving from South to North.

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